Benban Solar Park Project

Scope of work
The solar park, named after a Nile River village, nearby, will house 32 power plants. By mid-2019, when all the plants are scheduled to be powered up, they will be capable of churning out a combined 1,650 megawatts of electricity and that is enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses.
The project is a feed-in-Tariff Program for solar energy and includes 32 investors. EETC is responsible for providing all the tie-in facilities to the national grid. EETC has developed and awarded multi contracts for supply and construction and requested PGESCo support for overall project management.
Our Scope of Work includes the Full Development for 50MW PV IPP of the project, that is developed under the program implemented by the Egyptian government offering feed-in tariffs to projects between 20 to 60 MW capacities to stimulate private investment in over 1,600 MW of solar power.