Strategic Warehouses – Greenfield Project

Scope of work
Project Description
The Internal Trade & Development Authority (ITDA) has issued four separate tender documents for the establishment of a strategic warehouse in the Luxor governorate, all under a BOOT scheme.
The purpose of the project is to enable the Ministry of Supply to have a network of modern warehouses with the most up-to-date systems in order to secure the country's reserves of strategic commodities, ultimately ensuring food security and curbing any possible shortages across Egypt.
Hassan Allam Utilities is awarded this project in the Luxor Governorate to design, finance, build, own, operate, and transfer the warehouse.

Project facts
The project will have a concession period of 35 years.
Luxor Warehouse
Total Plot Area of 101,650 m² - 24 Feddan, and a total built-up area of 25,000 m²